Saturday, July 21, 2012

Great News...

I am officially ELL certified! 

Last year, I had literally an offer that I couldn't refuse from Metro Nashville Public Schools (the county I work for). During the school year, I would take 4 classes from a University to receive graduate credit in order to be officially certified to teach ELL. And it would cost me.... drum roll please.... zero. zip. none. nada. So I took the 4 classes, then took the Praxis test in June and got my results. When I got the PDF file, I called my friend Kristin who was in the classes with me all in a panic because I couldn't find where it said my score. Silly me didn't look on the 2nd page :-) If you'll notice, I conveniently left off my score, but it doesn't matter... I was in the official range.

Friday, July 20, 2012

New Blogger Bloggy Hop

I have started a post about the rest of my training, but I'm putting it on hold enjoying my last real day of summer.
So! In true procrastination form.. I'm participating in my first blog hop! A huge thanks to Grade Three is the Place for Me! for hosting it. Here are the questions...
1. what state you are in - I live in Tennessee!
2. your current teaching position - 3rd Grade ELL
3. your teaching experience - 2 years teaching computer, 1 year in 2nd ELL, now this year in 3rd EL
4. when you started blogging - I haven't even celebrated my week birthday!
5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource - I think my biggest tip is to not be scared of posting. My biggest fear is that people will think my stuff is dumb or stupid or something "so yesterday". But, I have to remember that even if no one reads my posts, then I'm still accomplishing my objectives of growling and learning from others.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My brain is fried..

You know that feeling where you brain is so filled to capacity with really good information that it hurts? That's how mine is now! Today, tomorrow, and Thursday I am attending a common core math training mainly dealing with constructed response and really using the higher-order thinking skills to prove understanding. The days are gone of multiple choice and welcome to journalling!

My first day take away is this is not a one day process. You have to start on the first day of school modeling what is needed to solve problem. I love the tool belt analogy except now, we're not just giving them the tools... We're giving the belt to in order to be able to explain.

Like most training, I like being social with the people around me. I have a great table of girls who all are thinkers and like sharing. I'm excited to 'pick' their brains to be able to teach 3rd better.

Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to share more concrete ways, but until then...6:15 is coming way early!

P.S. my iPad hates blogger, so layout changes will have to come this weekend when I sit down at my computer. Please turn a blind eye to the hideous header.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Eek! Opening post!

So I did it...

I finally am giving blogging a real shot. I'm not really sure why, but I decided today was the day. I'm also very initimadated by the first post. Hopefully years down the road when I'm a famous blogger (hey, a girl can dream), this post will be hidden deep down in the archives. So let's get this over shall we... Name : Claire Austelle - frequently mispronounced by children under the age of 10.

Blog Name : teaching swELL - I love a good cheesy title. I am currently teaching ELL (or ESL or EL) and I thought it was a cute play on words. Other titles in the running were all's wELL in 3rd grade, everything's swELL in 3rd grade, or one swELL foop.

Grade : after 2 years of computer, 1 year of 2nd ELL, I've now been moved up to 3rd ELL. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I'm working on an amazing team including my roomie. (she'll get a whole post later when I actually have followers)

Objective #1 : I want to share what I learn through personal experiences and others. I've been a blog lurker for over 5 years. I constantly doubt my knowledge of anything new or different. But I've realized that's selfish. I need to share and give back what I have learned to those who help me.

Objective #2 : I want to continue to learn and make connections to teachers. Simple as that.

I'm still thinking of a swELL way of closing each post - fun fact, joke? Suggestions are welcome.